Friday 23 September 2011

Countdown begins...

A week to go now, and the excitement is building up rapidly.  Taking a look back over the past few weeks, our dollar (AU) has crashed again below parity with the US (really bad timing), and I've been sick with the flu the past week.  I'm slowly recovering, although I don't know how well the Aussie dollar will.

That aside, the most important thing is we only have a week to go!! So very excited.  Keep any eye out for more posts in a week's time.


Friday 2 September 2011

4 weeks to go!

With only four weeks to go the excitement is building up!  In the past few weeks, all sorts of crazy things have been happening.  The stock market has plunged and recovered, therefore the aussie dollar has been up and down, NYC felt a minor earthquake, NYC felt the wrath of a major hurricane, hopefully it all settles down now before we head over there.

After this post, won't see/hear much from us till the day we leave.  I will be updating the itinerary and also adding a page that will list all the research material/online resources we've used to plan our trip.  Bit boring till we actually go somewhere, but stay tuned nonetheless.