Saturday 20 August 2011


Two first time travellers to the US,  my name's Paul, 30 years old and never traveled beyond the shores of Australia.  My lovely partner Kaye-Ann is xx years old (I dare not reveal a woman's age), and has traveled some years ago to the Philippines, but both of us have never taken a proper holiday.

We are essentially travel virgins, and coincidentally flying "Virgin Australia" to the USA.  New York City and Las Vegas to be precise.

I decided to blog about our travel plans, to put a bit of a story behind the photo's, rather than dump them all at the end of the trip on facebook.  Am also hoping this will be somewhat informative for anyone else planning to travel, as I haven't found too many decent travel blogs to NYC/Vegas myself, that isn't written from a professional journalist.

So here we are, first blog, first time traveling, and hopefully plenty of stories to tell with photo's to paint the picture.  Prior to actual updates while overseas, you'll see our our rough itinerary, or rather "to do list" for places we intend to go, things to do, food to eat, so on and so forth.  Stay tuned!  PM.

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