Sunday 6 November 2011

Day 10 - PK occupy Wall not really

I like how this blog can be interactive, on our tenth day we added the famous Tom’s Restaurant (based on the diner in the TV show Seineld) to our list, thanks to “FiveIron4Life” of the tripadvisor forums for reminding me!

Obviously this was our first stop for breakfast.  It was yet agai very good value, very good food.  I’m still constantly surprised by how much cheaper everything is here, especially food.  I ordered 2 eggs, sausage, bacon and pancakes.  Mmmmmmm, that sausage was good!!  They served orange juice in these cute little glasses, that looked like shot glasses, you’d almost think they put a bit of vodka in it.

From memory, I think KN had scrambled eggs and corned beef hash, it looked equally delish – apparently it was too. After breakfast, I took up the suggestion of taking a tourist shot in front of the restaurant.  Sorry I tried my best to make a ‘natural’ walk-by pose, but failed, so took a stock standard tourist pose.

My attempt at a natural walk by pose (fail!)

Fall back to standard tourist pose :)
Today was a rather random day, we’ve seen and done nearly all the things we set out to do in NYC, so we took our time today and just made random plans.  Next stop, lower side of Manhattan to Wall St!

Soon as we got out of the subway, I had my usual hankering for caffeine.  As convenience would have it again, there was a mobile coffee shop on wheels!  A peculiar looking orange truck, with Love and Coffee written all over it....of course that grabbed my attention!  Tried it....and loved it.  Another awesome coffee I’ve found in NYC, how you keep track of this one though, I have no idea?!

We hung out for a bit at a public seating area nearby, while we contemplated our next move, drinking my coffee and eating a chocolate donut – while I abuse Google Maps for being so slow and chewing up my iPhone battery.  We decided to head into the main touristy area of wall st, and find the Century 21 store for a bit more shopping.  Found it at Cortland St (nr Church St) and also found some bargains.  Bought a pair of Timberland’s and a whole bunch of business shirts for work.  Seriously cheap, same brand/type back home, at one fifth the price!  Averaging $20 a shirt!!

Left the store with to humongous bags and stumbled by the area being occupied by....I don’t even know how to describe the group.  To be honest, I’m not entirely sure what this group is protesting, I do but I don’t.  I understand what I hear on the news, with the whole corporate greed and unemployment rates, but being here in person I’m totally confused.

A lot of their signs just seemed like random crap to me and half of them looked either stoned, drunk, or not all there.  It was all peaceful I guess, freedom of speech and all, maybe I’m just getting old and don’t get it?

One of the occupiers who spent some time doing his make up today

This occupier was yelling something about something.

Camp site of the occupiers, I was hoping to smell bushfires and bbq sausages cooking

Magic Pimps are also occupying Wall st.  This is serious business people!

Moving on, we took a good look around the area, taking photo’s of some cool looking buildings, the freedom tower’s being built and just absorbing it all.

After our lovely tour of the Wall St area, we headed back to Times Sq for some more touristy gawking.  Can never get sick of this place!  We ventured into Red Lobster and shared one of the platters.  Was very good seafood, and at a very reasonable price again.  The layout of the restaurant was very flash, and being situated right in Times Sq, I was expecting much higher priced food!  Was not disappointed, very pleased, and we tucked right into the lobster, shrimp, fries, salad, biscuits (flavoured with garlic butter, mmm mmmm). 

Full up on food yet again, we headed back to the hotel.
Well rested, we felt like watching a movie that came out “Tower Heist”.  So we watched it at the Newport Plaza, our first ‘movie’ in the states.  My sister had mentioned to me years ago, that in the US, you guys like to put actual butter in your popcorn.  Back home we don’t really have that, not at cinema’s/movie theatres anyway.  Unless you bring a stick of butter with you.  So I had to see it for myself and sure enough, there was a butter ‘flavour’ dispenser!

Yes, I dispensed butter flavour all over the popcorn.  And yes, it was delicious.  Uh huh, I know I’m eating a lot of crap, but I don’t really care over two weeks for a holiday!!

The movie was pretty good, can never go wrong with Eddie Murphy and Ben Stiller.  The annoying part was a young teen, talking, ranting, yelling through the whole movie.  I wish I totally doused by popcorn with butter, I could have shared it with him, all over his fat head.

Was an experience all together!  We’ve really done so much more than we planned to do and it’s been an awesome time.  Two more days to go and don’t want to leave!  

Tomorrow, Brooklyn baby, Liberty Park, more Hoboken!

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