Wednesday 16 November 2011

Vegas - Finale!

So our final day in Vegas, final day in the US.  The previous day's road trip was a great way to wind things up for us, so on our final day we were happy, relaxed and ready to go home I guess.  We had no set agenda, apart from my usual cravings for food!

Naturally, breakfast was in order and the one thing I had in mind, was a dish I had seen (yet again) from Man vs Food.  It was this massive Chicken/Eggs Benedict concoction.  The place to get it is "Hash House a go go".  There's a few of these stores in Vegas, the one we visited was located in the Imperial Palace.

I wasn't disappointed when our dishes came out.  KN ordered an omelet of some kind, and even that was huge in proportion.

KN's dish

My beast of a breakfast!
The pictures never seem to do it justice, but you get the gist.  To keep mine together, it's stabbed in the middle with a knife and a twig of rosemary.  Inside was a juicy chicken breast, scrambled eggs, smashed potato (not quite mashed), biscuits, other bits and pieces I can't remember, topped off with 'griddled' mozeralla cheese and chipotle sauce.  No I couldn't finish it, but I did a pretty good job trying!

Full as usual, we ventured back to our hotel room, along the way KN did a bit of shopping while I drifted off to do some gambling at Caesars Palace.  Didn't win a thing.  I never gamble to be honest, and the most I spent gambling at this point in Vegas, was maybe $80...give or take.  I tried a few slot machines, tried black jack, tried roulette.  I'd win a bit, lose a bit, as to be expected.

The one thing I definitely wanted as a souvenir, was decks of used Casino cards from each Casino we visited.  All the ones we had visited, were sold out!  Except for Caesars, I managed to pick up a deck from there.

On my way back to the hotel room, I couldn't resist but try one of those crepes from that fancy schmancy cafe/chocolate store I mentioned earlier.  I ordered one of the chocolate fudge crepe's and a latte.

Of course, I failed to pick up a set of plastic cutlery.  All I had was the plastic swizzle stick thing-a-me-jig you use to stir sugar in the coffee.  That sufficed till room service brought up a set of proper cutlery :).

Checked out of the hotel room, we had a few hours to kill before heading to the airport, so we tried our luck gambling.  Well I did anyway.  Now you might remember that 'magic' and 'lucky' tiger eye necklace I mentioned earlier, I believe it to be a good luck helped me win nearly $300 on a 'roulette' slot machine in the Aria casino.

Not in one hit, at first around $190.  Then about $90 again afterwards.  After that we bailed while I was ahead!!

Lucky money, woo hoo!
On a money high (lol), we decided to grab some lunch.  Yes, there was room in our stomach's.  There was one last fast food chain we had to try (recommended by some folks back home), called "In n Out Burger".  Since we arrived in Vegas, I could see it from our hotel room at night.  It was bugging me, so being our last day, and such high rollers, we cabbed it to the nearest In n Out burger joint.

We made our way down there, I had a 'double-double' and KN had the regular cheeseburger.  They were nice.. quite a bit of salad in them (lettuce, tomato), but yeah nice.  I say nice, because hands down I still think "Five Guys" in NYC/Jersey makes it to the top of my burger list for this trip.

After buying more souvenirs from the In n Out Burger merchandise store, we headed back to the hotel.  While waiting at the hotel, I received notification from Delta Airlines that our flight had been delayed.  Had we stayed on that flight, we would have missed our connecting flight to Brisbane from LAX.

Organized an earlier flight with Delta to avoid this, so we ended up leaving earlier than expected!  It was an abrupt end to our trip, but we were ready to go home.  I am writing this on Wednesday the 16th November (Brisbane time), and I am ready to go back to the US!

The flight home from LAX to BNE was a breeze, because we left late in the evening, it wasn't hard to sleep.

So many memories and experiences in such a short couple of weeks, it felt like we were in the US for much longer - and it's a great feeling.

Hope you all enjoyed the blog, I will have a few more posts in the coming days, mainly video compilations for some of the things I have blogged the past few weeks.  Stay tuned for some more, till then, safe and happy travels!!

Paul & Kaye-Ann
Mohawk pigeon from In n Out Burger (had to add that in there!)

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