Thursday 27 October 2011

Day 1 & 2

Day 1

Flew from Brisbane to Sydney relatively quickly, wasn't bad at all.  Flight from Sydney to LA was horrible.  Never been on a long haul flight before, and didn't think it would hit us so bad.  Was watching the main monitor with the live map of where the plane is, felt like it was in the middle of the ocean for days.  Both of us started to get all sore and congested in the ears, headaches, and generally feeling like crap.

Once we arrived at LAX, thought it was going to be a huge relief, but I felt even worse.  Felt like a zombie.  Feeling like crap and being jet lagged, uggghhh.  KN spotted two celebrities however, one was Australian (Rebel Wilson), the other was covered in some kind of disguise covering her face and had a bodyguard with her.

Bought a few things for the kids at the tourist shop, drank some water, contemplated having McDonalds but changed our minds feeling like crap.  Right now KN is commenting on how exciting this is, ooo drank some water, woooow.  I know, boring, but it highlights the point of how I had no idea such a long flight would make me feel like crap.

From LAX to JFK, took about 4.5 hours.  Felt like an eternity.  Once we landed, my cousin picked us up, took us through Manhattan for a quick tour and we had some hot dogs at a place called Gray's Papaya (as featured on "How I met your mother") in Greenwich Village.  $4.95 for two hot dogs and a drink.

Also had a sneak peak at the skating rink in the Rockerfeller Centre, will definitely be going next week!

My cousin lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  About 2.5-3hrs drive north of NY.  Before we left, I 'guesstimated' 1.5hrs and told KN "yeah he only lives about 1.5 hours".  After nearly 24hrs in the air/travelling, the thought of a 3 hr drive feels like an eternity.. Woooops.

Day 2

Today my cousin took us around Philadelphia, needed to get a prepaid SIM card for my iphone, which is hard to get.  Unlike back home, the phone companies here don't really offer pre paid sim's for iphones.  TMobile works, but you have to get the sim card cut to micro-sim size.  Bought one from Best Buy, later we went to the mall and this phone shop/cart guy cut it for me.....for $15!  They even have a tool that does it in 1 second, but charge $15 for it.  Couldn't believe it, anyway it worked.

This all might sound boring to everyone back home, but i'm easily amused.  A lot of little things we wanted to try, see, experience that we don't have back home.  Like Taco Bell, so cheap.  A Taco and Burrito combo with a large drink was $6 US.  Seeing a red barn on housing properties (lol).  Eating a churro from Costco for $1 (the guy at Southbank is ripping us off).  Shopping at a 'Wal Mart', and seeing banana's for 30cents a kilo.  Also bought some food we don't have back home...junk food/snacks.

Went shopping at an outlet mall, spent a lot more than originally planned in one day.  The place was huge, had an outlet store for so many major brands (just like harbour town).

Back at my cousin's house, weather got pretty cold, it's also snowing here on Saturday!

Tomorrow the plan is to see Jersey Shore and do the touristy thing then head to Atlantic City.

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