Sunday 30 October 2011

Day 4 - Old Bridge, New Jersey

Prior to leaving the Showboat hotel/casino at AC, we had a nice breakfast in their restaurant.  I ordered eggs, pancakes and bacon. KN had an egg omelette that was easily made with 1/2 dozen eggs.  Nice and full, we left AC and the weather was fierce.  Really strong wind and cold rain.  There's a road that leads up to the AC casino's, and the weather was that strong, it was pushing water up onto the road.  Parts of it were flooding already and we left just in time.

Drive to Old Bridge NJ from the AC is about an hour and a half.  It was a very interesting drive back.

Prior to leaving Brisbane, in the lead up to our trip, I recall a conversation with KN where I said - you know what would make this trip awesome, if it would snow.  Unlikely as that would be, the forecast today was actually snow.  Apparently it is very rare for it to snow in these parts in October, but it did just for us!

Was cool to watch the rain gradually change to snow, the closer we got to NJ.

It was a laid back restful day when we arrived.  Did some more shopping at a nearby mall in NJ.  Bought the kids some clothes, cool hats and other things they'll love.  And I got myself a new pair of jordans for only $60, a jacket and other clothes that I failed to pack for this cold weather! 

For dinner I had to try Wendy's to check it off our "Junk food to do list".  I ordered a 1/4 pounder burger, it was nice and juicy.  The drink it came with was huge.  KN took a photo, the drink on the far left is the equivalent to our large size!

After the mall, we stopped by a Target to pick up some Halloween candy and a few other things.  Interestingly the Target stores here have a grocery section and a canteen type area where you can buy pizza and other hot food.

Called it a night, and spent the rest of the night blogging!  Next up tomorrow, our main agenda, NYC!!


  1. It looks cold and miserable! I don't think I would like to drive on those roads.

  2. I think I would starve in America... There is WAY too much cheese in the food for my liking :P

    Looks like you guys are having a blast though! (even if it is snowing over there and we are back here basking in the nice warm QLD weather!)

